Fourth grade math is a great time for students to take the next step in their understanding of numbers. Several new concepts are introduced, the pace of learning increases, and problem-solving becomes an important focus.
4 Grade Math Worksheets That Your Student Will Love
Students learn to use different models and visuals to solve problems. This can be a challenge, but it’s also an important part of the learning process.
Addition is a key skill for fourth graders to learn. It is the first mathematical operation they are introduced to and it is the building block that helps students understand more complex operations, like multiplication and division.
Students learn addition through a variety of different methods, including standard algorithms and using properties such as the fact that adding zero to a number will not change the sum. This helps them develop their estimation skills and helps them solve problems mentally.
Fourth graders are also introduced to place value, which is the concept of putting numbers in a specific order so that they can be easily represented. They will use place value to add and subtract whole numbers, as well as multiply two two-digit numbers or multiply a four-digit number by a one-digit number.
They will also learn about fractions and the concept of equivalent fractions, which are fractions that represent a same value with different numerators (the top number) and denominators (the bottom number). This is important because they will need to know how to multiply or divide a fraction by a whole number in order to solve addition and subtraction problems.
In addition, they will learn about factors and multiples, which are the numbers that can be obtained by multiplying a number with other numbers. They will also learn about patterns associated with factors and multiples, such as prime numbers and composite numbers.
These are concepts that fourth graders will be able to apply in their daily lives and in their math homework. They will be able to solve multi-step word problems with addition, subtraction, and multiplication and division using equations.
Another essential element in fourth grade math is understanding units of measure, which are a collection of numbers used to describe length, volume, weight, capacity, time, and temperature. They will be able to solve world problems that involve these measures, such as how long a chicken is or how many feet are in a bathtub.
They will also learn about geometrical figures and objects, such as triangles, rectangles, squares, and circles. They will be able to identify different types of shapes and understand their properties, such as whether a shape is perpendicular or parallel to the ground. They will also be able to measure angles and spot right angles.
Subtraction – 4 Grade Math
Subtraction is a tricky subject to master, but if you have a supportive teacher and a few handy subtraction worksheets, it can be done with relative ease. To get the best results, you’ll need a bit of practice and a few tricks up your sleeve. Thankfully, you’ve come to the right place. These 4 grade math resources are sure to help you and your student score big time. The best part is that they’re all free! The list below includes some of the most interesting and entertaining subtraction activities that a 4 grader can come up with on their own, with some help from you. The best way to learn how to do this stuff is to start small and work your way up. These activities are not only fun and engaging, they will also teach your child the basic principles of a good mathematician.

Multiplication – Math 4th Grade
Multiplication is a key concept in 4th grade math. Students use a wide range of strategies to multiply numbers of up to four digits, including area models, the standard algorithm and partial products. They also learn to multiply whole numbers by fractions, and work with decimals.
To begin learning to multiply, kids need to first decompose numbers into base ten units and practice solving multi-digit problems by partial products, the standard algorithm and the area model. When they’re comfortable with these strategies, they can start applying them to more abstract multiplication problems.
This is a great way to help kids understand the concepts of multiplication and build their understanding of place value. It’s also a fun way to encourage active participation.
Another great way to help children visualize the concept of multiplication is through the use of arrays. You can print free printable multiplication array cards, and have children fold them up and color in each space as they practice their facts!
Once they’re familiar with the idea of multiplying by arrays, you can introduce the concept of multiplication by dots. This is a great game for students to play with their friends or family, and it’s a perfect way to practice their multiplication facts!
In 4th grade, kids learn to apply their understanding of multiplying by arrays to more complex multiplication word problems. These problems may include missing factors, number of groups or total product, and allow students to practice their flexibility within the concept of multiplication.
The variety of models for multiplication is important to students’ success. Some will use tally marks, dots or even digits to represent groups of equal value. Others will use an area model to represent the groups.
Once kids have developed a strong understanding of place value and properties of operations, they can move to more abstract multiplication by using an area model to solve their problems. These visual models can be especially useful for students who are learning to multiply larger numbers by smaller ones, or for students who need to apply their knowledge of the inverse function.
Division – Grade 4 Math
Division is a difficult skill to learn, and it can be frustrating for students to see they’re not progressing quickly. The key is to keep encouraging and supporting them as they work through these challenges.
Rather than jumping right into division with multiplication, begin by having kids build models and use repeated addition to find the product. This will make division a little easier, and help kids develop their understanding of place value as well.
Another way to help them understand division is to break large numbers into groups. This can be done using toys or objects, or even by simply asking kids to share out candy or food.
These simple activities are also a great way to show students that division is about sharing, and that’s a very important concept in math! When children are engaged, they’re more likely to remember what they’ve learned.
One great way to practice long division is by using a game like Prodigy, which helps students master the skills they need while having fun! This online tool uses a game-based platform where students answer math questions and receive real-time feedback from teachers.
As students master long division, they’ll be ready to tackle the challenge of dividing multi-digit numbers. This includes both one digit divisors and up to four digit dividends.
To get started, you’ll need to give each student a set of base-ten blocks. Then, have them solve a division problem using their blocks to determine the place value of each number. Once they’ve mastered this, you can move on to larger numbers and longer equations.
Once they’re confident, try adding in partial quotients to give them more flexibility. This activity can be especially helpful to students who are struggling with long division because it allows them to subtract the divisor from the dividend repeatedly without having to divide each time.
Once students have mastered this, you can start working through the standard algorithm for division. This algorithm is common in Grades 5-6 and can be a challenge for many students, so make sure to provide plenty of practice problems to ensure they’re getting the hang of it!